Tervuren Latvians sing for Ukraine

St. Jans Church transforms Tervuren once again into a sanctuary of solidarity and cultural expression with Ukraine on Sunday 16 February from 4pm. This third annual charity concert is dedicated to raising awareness and funds for those suffering in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

No Tervuren ice-skating this winter. What to know…

In Belgium, mayoral duties can involve dispatching police in freezing conditions to enforce the ban on walking, skating, or playing on ice surfaces. Despite the rule, when ice last graced Tervuren’s lakes, numerous prominent locals were seen flouting the mayor’s directives, turning the lakes into a clandestine playground.

Tervuren rejects label ‘child-friendly town’

Tervuren’s town council has rejected a proposal to have the commune recognized as ‘child-friendly’. The label, designed to encourage policies that promote a child-friendly environment, failed to gain majority support. According to the responsible alderwoman, achieving the label would require excessive time, resources, and manpower.

Arboretum Tervuren: preserving the world’s tree diversity

The Arboretum was created by the Belgian forestry specialist Charles Bommer in 1902 at the request of Leopold II. Spanning approximately 120 hectares, it contains around 700 exotic tree species organised in 40 geographic tree groups. Tervuren+’s Jasmin Kohl spoke to forest ranger Kevin Knevels about the state of the tree collection, strong ties with the American Chestnut Association, and wild boars.

Tervuren associations’ New Year’s reception

There are still a few free tickets available for the spectacular New Year’s reception organised by Tervuren associations on Friday, 17 January from 7:00 PM. The Tervuren associations organizing this year’s New Year’s reception are Fietsersbond, Fietsbieb, Transitie, Ubuntu Intercultureel, and Wereldwinkel.

No New Year’s fireworks in Tervuren

Tervuren has a comprehensive ban on all types of fireworks, including firecrackers, thunderflashes, and smoke canisters. And the ban even extends to those eco-friendly, 100% biodegradable Chinese lanterns made from rice paper.

Soup at official opening of Tervuren’s cycle bridge

Tervurenaars, too, are invited to the inauguration of the 77.5-meter-long bridge over the Vier-Armen crossroad. The inauguration takes place on Thursday, December 19, from 14:30 to 18:00. There’s free soup, non-alcoholic mulled wine for cyclists, and a “surprise” gadget to make you stand out on the bridge and during the dark winter months.

“Yoga helped me to reconnect to life”

“I still remember my first tram ride to Tervuren”, says Courtenay Willis and lays her hand on her heart – a gesture that is as natural as blinking with the eyes for the 59 years old yoga teacher. Passing directly through the forest, she felt positively overwhelmed.

Tervuren is great inspiration for writer Jon Echanove

Since taking up residence here in the autumn of 2016, author Jon Echanove has found Tervuren to be an invaluable source of inspiration for his work. “My novels tend to confront characters with unfamiliar cultures and adapt to other languages and codes. From that point of view, my life in Tervuren is a great resource,” says Echanove. Tervuren+ spoke with Jon Echanove about his life in Tervuren, writings and his latest novel, El Aprendiz.

Tervuren’s tech road safety expert

The transformative power of technology in promoting road safety was an essential part of Geert Van Der Linden’s keynote lecture on Thursday 21 November. Geert, from Tervuren, works for the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport.

Moorsel tops Tervuren for Halloween fun

Some 50 Halloween fans have already emailed halloween2024.tervuren@gmail.com to share their location for tonight’s trick-or-treating on Thursday, 31 October. Per capita, Moorsel definitely beats Tervuren as the go-to place for Halloween festivities.

If you’re participating, send an email to halloween2024.tervuren@gmail.com to share your location for the trick-or-treaters.

Repair Café Returns to Tervuren on 2 November

The original aim of the Repair Café movement was to revive repair skills that were once commonplace. “Unfortunately, we’ve all kind of forgotten that,” says Mylène De Scheemaecker, one of the driving forces behind Repair Café in Tervuren. “Through the Repair Café, you can teach some people to repair certain things—think of a flat bicycle tyre or sewing on a button.”

Procession, mass and riders: St. Hubertus

On Sunday, Oct. 27, the Brotherhood of Saint Hubert commemorated its patron saint in Tervuren. One of the legends holds that he died in Tervuren. And that during his lifetime he owned a piece of land in Tervuren. Obviously the 17th-century Saint Hubert Chapel in the Warande Park and the foundation of the Brotherhood of Saint Hubert in 1605 point to a long history of connection with Tervuren, says the Brotherhood of Saint Hubert.